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Acquire Status For Your Business And Be Admired

Have you ever been to the movies with no specific pick in mind? Glanced over the posters, nothing exactly enticing.

Took a more thorough look, scratching the back of your neck .. spotted Disney logo right beneath some of the movie titles. Silently screamed in your mind " That's it, I WANT THIS"

Disney makes thrilling movies, everyone knows this, it's status.

No business can go wrong with status; customers coming back, word of mouth flowing, competent talent are attracted to you (IYK IYK), you even get higher market valuation aka goodwill. Life is good.

So how do you gain that popularity? Making customers beg you to take their money. Peers listen when you speak. People open the door when you knock. Pick up the phone when you call.

Built Different

Being popular implies you're different. Nothing like the rest, perhaps even ABOVE, that everyone recognizes you.

In a crowded market, where everyday a new lame cow jumps in the race, selling the same stuff, regurgitating the same exhausted pitch.

Customers get bored, so do businesses.

There is a hidden advantage for any business there, if you want to know how to steal customers from competitors, read here.

How Fame Is Useful

Fortunately or unfortunately, people treat you differently when you have a name, it's just a reality.

More respect, more money, more access, more unfair advantages.

You have more credit for fumbling, but also a reputation to guard.

People are inclined to trust what others trust. And people trust what they know.

That's why testimonials and endorsements are game-changers in marketing.

Be Remembered

I have a nice cafe in my city that I like to stop by. I built a friendly relationship with the staff.

They let me in anytime even if it's closed, they are good assistance when I bring some company.

They are busy, but out of a zillion customers, they light up when they see me, they remember my name, my car, and my friends.


I tip well. And I build rapport.

By the same token, you should tip your customers.

Don't get me wrong, a tip is anything MORE to the customer out of your business. Something they appreciate.

Go the extra mile for them, do something that etches your name into their memory. Birthday gifts, anniversary offers, exclusive invites.

That's how you stand out in a crowded area. You raise your hand.

What To Focus On

If you read the book " American Psycho" you realize how vicious Wall Street was in the eighties.

Reagan was president, strong Dollar, no "hot" wars, everyone afforded a house and a loving family. America was deep into its Dream.

Status was a BIG deal. Everyone was harshly judged on their appearance.

Suit tailor, tie brand, haircut, neighborhood affluence, business card, and even whether you have a tanning machine in-house.

It was all about DETAILS.

Those days are coming back in business.

You sway customers by attention to detail. The colors you choose, your website design, and the image you project are decisive.

A coffee shop? Serve your coffee in a cool cup. A restaurant? Design a cosy dining area. A consultant? Your belt better match your shoes.

Give And You Shall Receive.

A line that resonated with me from Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is "Give and you shall receive"

A gracious way to give back to society is philanthropy.

You can never regret charity, you gain respect in your community, love, and above all you feel good within your heart. Give it a shot.

Increasing your business's popularity starts with marketing. If you want us to take a look at your business and see what we can do, get in touch.


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