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Get Flooded With More Clients Than You Can Handle

There is a famous story of "a car owner who couldn't start his vehicle and called a technician for help.

Technician arrived, tapped a specific spot on the engine with a hammer, and the car started immediately.

When the owner received a $100 bill, he lashed out at the cost. The technician explained: 

 "The hammer tap costs $20; knowing where to tap costs $80."

You have to play your cards right. Swift, efficient, duck and knock.

This is the trump card in your marketing toolkit.

Where To Tap

A successful business owner in the eighties sold products for crew men.

Eager to grow, he noticed most of his customers had a buzz cut.

So he reached out to barbers in town, collected those who had a buzz cut and directly mailed them.

His business blew up, margins SHOOTING the sky.

While I acknowledge his tenacity, reaching customers before was a headache. Obscenely money and time depleting.

If you're going to mail each customer, taking FOREVER for the mail to arrive, and then be ignored. Well, NOT encouraging.

In the old days, people had longer attention spans and getting their attention was effortful yet feasible. Newspaper, TV, Radio, Flyers, and Direct Mail.

Now it's the diametrical opposite.

So in a fierce attention economy, how do YOU maximize your fair share of clients?

Your Biggest Weapon In Advertising

David Ogilvy founded the biggest advertising agency in the world. Man knew how to sell anything. His take was simple:

 " Success isn't about how many clients you have; it's about how many you keep."

businesses run ads to acquire new clients.

But actually you can lose the word "new" here.

If you ran an ad. Got a few prospects, not leads yet.

We use the RETARGETING feature. Fill in an information gap. Tweak the offer. Gentle reminder.

If the door is closed. Knock on the window. Find another door. Doesn't matter, just find a way in, land or sea.

Stretch your hand to those on the fence of opting in … and PULL them.

Retargeting is a powerful asset mostly neglected, it's effective because you are addressing a ripe audience who signaled an interest.

In your ads manager, create an ad variation for retargeting and specify a threshold for the category you want to retarget.

You can touch up your creative, copy, or test other levers that might lure the prospect into your basket.

Keep your eyes laser-focused on that ad set and constantly monitor it.

The Way Up

Retargeting is a hack to enjoy the fruit of your compounded effort.

You increase your top line revenue in one of three ways: 

  • Price hike

  •  New clients

  •  Retarget existing clients.

Retargeting is the fastest and easiest way to swim in money.

While your competition overlooks that, might not even know it, keep leveraging every tool you have.

Play your cards right, and win big time. 

P.S. If you want to know how I would apply the retargeting in your business, feel free to get in touch. Fill out the form and one of our team members will be in touch to see if we’re a good match.


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