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Get People To Devour Your Writing Using "KISS" And " WIIFM" Principles.

Imagine you’re thumbing through Youtube/ Netflix, you click on a video.

Ahhhh not again, another one of those redundant and bland ads. You're impatiently waiting for those 5 secs to pass .. Anguish.

This mainly because the video script and hook is WEAK and doesn’t interest you. 

I bet there was a time when you lost yourself in a full YouTube ad, not even feeling the time. 

That’s what I’m talking about. 

Most writing is mundane, vague, and wordy, whether for content or ads.

Blog posts, threads, ad scripts .. all don't stand their ground often times.

I mean, who reads blog posts? It's not 2007 anymore. 

But there is a reason you're reading this now while ditching away most blogs.

Don't worry, I'm not casting a spell on you, I'm just following a very simple approach that I'm gonna pass along to you.

Things Have Changed

You must have noticed people these days like to listen to podcasts, watch TikToks and shorts, in other words, people lend their attention to visuals, and easy to consume material.

Do you remember the last time you grabbed something to thoughtfully read outside of social media?

let me turn it around.

Do you ever scroll and skip through some content on social media? .. just because the text looks daunting and the first two sentences aren't enticing?


Getting someone to read is at All-Time-HARD

So How do you do it? One way is by this two powerful principles

First one is called:


This stands for: 







A grave error writers make is they talk to the customer as if they are talking to themselves. They list the things THEY admire about their business, product or service, they are locked up deep in their la la land world.

The customer/reader is not your mom, he doesn't know you, doesn't share your values, and doesn't live in your world.

He only cares about HIMSELF. As he should, he's paying right?

So here is the deal.

Hijack their attention by hitting their core interest points. Every word you utter should be about THEM. 

Not the 50 year grand mission of your business and your polar bear feeding initiatives.


This stands for:






Your writing has to be soft to bite, easy to chew and digest.

Write like you're shooting a late-night glass of bear with your buddy.

Lean and mean, punchy, to the point, and colorful.

Don't blindside people by Tolkien-sized, steroid-injected writing pieces.

Be wary of trying to emulate Shakespear, he's a great poet, but that doesn't sell.

There is a secret test the ELITE writers use to evaluate whether their writing will resonate, Here it is.

So to recap, speak like a human, and speak TO the human you're selling to, not to YOURSELF.

Congratulations you outclassed 90% of writing and people will not skip your content. 

P.S. Want me to check, rewrite and improve your materials using the KISS, WIIFM test and other principles we’ll be talking about?

Get in touch. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.

No cost, no obligation.

If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form.


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