Have you ever wondered about that special charm or appeal that certain salespeople seem to possess?
Something that allows them to effortlessly slide into rapport with their prospects.
It’s an attractive force, almost magnetic in nature, and its impact can be felt in a matter of seconds.
A perfect example of this would be Jordan Belfort, aka the Wolf of Wall Street.
This article will turn you into a dangerously powerful sales machine.
Tune in before it’s taken down.
The Keys to Dashing Charisma
Let’s talk about charisma.
Widely known but vaguely defined.
Is it acquired or inborn? How can you get the hang of it?
To answer this, we have to summon the wolf of selling himself, Jordan Belfort.
In his book The Way of the Wolf, Jordan believes it’s both.
Good salespeople naturally have it (and don’t realize it), but it’s also a learnable skill.
He boiled it down to two elements: body language and tonality.
Much more tangible, isn’t it?
If you get these levers right, you will instantaneously hypnotize any prospect, and they won’t even realize why they like you.
You will seduce that girl who keeps you up at night
(she’ll think it’s love at first sight). Even better!
How to Use Your Body Effectively
Your body can literally make you money as a salesperson.
Don’t worry. No prostitution.
Most people are unaware of what their body exudes, giving you an open window into their thoughts.
In fact, if you're sitting in front of someone and you cross your arms and legs, you’ll notice them doing the same.
It’s called pacing and leading.
A magic trick to control the emotional state you put your prospect into.
We’ll delve deeper into it later, but for now, let’s stick to the basics.
You’ve probably heard people regurgitate the importance of “eye contact” and “listening.”
It’s true, but that’s a given. We need something spicier.
To nail your sale from the outset, start with the handshake.
Sometimes prospects feel they don’t like you, and they can’t even pinpoint why.
It’s because of the handshake.
It’s simple yet easy to mess up.
You don’t want to extend your hand carelessly like a dead fish. It’s unbecoming.
You also don’t want it to be limp like an overcooked noodle. It’s off-putting.
Furthermore, you need spatial awareness.
Don’t invade your prospect’s space and talk in their face.
Space invaders tend to be spitters.
And no one buys from spitters.
So, keep at least one foot of space between you and stand beside the prospect—not in front of them as if you’re blocking their path.
Master the Art of Tonality
You can tell someone, “This sofa is a perfect fit for you,” and they won’t buy.
But you can say the exact same thing—“This sofa is a perfect fit for you!”—and they’ll beg you to take their money.
This is the power of tonality.
Jordan Belfort coined the “Straight Line System,” a refined sales strategy.
In the Straight Line System, there’s an important stage called “Intelligence Gathering,” which is essentially asking and listening to the prospect’s problems.
To encourage your prospect to open up, you need to keep your “ahas,” “yesses,” and “uhms” on point.
These sounds signal to the prospect that you’re interested.
The more they share, the higher your closing odds, and the more they enjoy the conversation.
You need your attitude to be energetic, pumped up, and charged.
Clear voice, every word easily heard.
Your hamster died this morning? My condolences. But neither the prospect nor money cares.
Ditch the gloomy, lousy energy.
Talk soon,
P.S. Want us to quadruple your sales like Wolf of Wall Street?
Get in touch and we’ll see if we’re a good fit. Fill out the form.