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New Easy-Peasy Method For Increasing Your Conversion Rates By 3X

Imagine you are living in another universe where you are a chiropractor. You need more clients so you come up with this ad:

Does your back hurt? 

You’ve tried everything, from buying expensive pillows to physiotherapy.

But pain simply won’t go away.

We solved that exact problem for many others and we are confident that we can do the same for you.

Call us at xyz to make an appointment.

Now, this ad would probably outperform 91% of other chiro ads. 

But we have to beat 99.9% of other ads, and that’s exactly what we’re gonna do.

That’s where two step lead generation comes into play.

What Is Two-Step Lead Generation And Who Is It For?

It allows you to focus your marketing budget directly on people who are actually interested in your product. 

That means you won’t waste your money by showing your ad to the whole world.

So not only do you save money, but your conversion rates go to the moon.

Let me show you how this would work with our chiro ad.

Now, we won’t ask them to make an appointment. Instead, all we want them to do is some simple action. Like watch a video or click a link.

For example:

Use these five exercises to relieve lower back pain in 3 days

You could do this in a video or a blog format.

Something that will allow us to label them as “interested”.

This would be the first step.

Now, let me get back to the first ad example, this one:

Does your back hurt? 

You’ve tried everything, from buying expensive pillows to physiotherapy.

But pain simply won’t go away.

We solved that exact problem for many others and we are confident that we can do the same for you.

Call us at xyz to make an appointment.

What do you think would happen if we showed this ad only to the people who visited our blog post?

I don't know what to bother you with the math, but statistics show that conversion rates would increase by as much as 152%.

The wildest thing is that most businesses don’t even know this is possible. 

Why Are “Free Guides” Not Really Free

Now there is also another way of using this method. I’d say it's a more traditional one.

Have you ever wondered why people wrote those free guides? Why would they waste their time to give you something free?

I’ll reveal the secret to you: It’s not really free.

You pay them with your contact info. You’ll never see an ad that says here's a pdf of free guide, take it.

No, they want you to give them your email.

Now you are labeled “interested” for them. And what happens in your head is this:

  1. They gave you free stuff, so you have a feeling that you owe them something, even if it’s unconscious

  1. You see they are sending you a bunch of useful emails and you appreciate that

  1. After some time, you think “Well these guys obviously know what they are doing, let me reach out to them to see how they can help me.”

There’s no better proof that two lead generations work than seeing it on your own skin.

Talk soon.

Want to 3x your conversions using two step lead generation? Get in touch and we'll see how we can help you. 


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